To show the Add to Quote button for a specific product, you should:
Go to EShop -> System -> Configuration -> Option tab, choose Yes for Quote Cart Mode.
Go to edit the product, under Data tab, choose Yes for Product Quote Mode
On the front-end side, Add to Quote button will be displayed and customer just need to click on it to add product to the Quote Cart.
After adding products into the Quote Cart, customer can go to Quote Cart page to send the quotation request:
After quotation request is sent, both of admin's store and customer will received the notification email:
You can go to EShop -> System -> Messages -> Admin Quote Email to edit the content of Admin Quotation Email:
You can go to EShop -> System -> Messages -> Customer Quote Email to edit the content of Customer Quotation Email:
At the back end side, admin can manage all of the quotation requests of their store.
Go to EShop -> Sales -> Quotes to see list of quotations.
From the Quotations List, click on View button for each quotation to view details of that quotation.