Joomla Users Plugin

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Eshop also has the feature to synchronize Joomla Users and its Customers by a plugin called EShop Users. This plugin is included into EShop package since version 1.2.10.

How to setup

If you are using older version of EShop, just need to choose in the package to install it as a normal plugin in Joomla. If you are installing a fresh latest version of EShop, then it has already had the plugin is installed. After installing, you should go to Extensions -> Plugin Manager to filter Joomla - User plugin and enable it. Now, if users register via Joomla, they will become customers in EShop and vice versa.

Migrate tool

EShop has a tool to migrate users from Joomla into customers in EShop. Go to EShop -> System -> Tools, then click on Joomla Users button, the system will do the migration automatically and show you the successful message once it is done.