How to import

Prepare Excel file

To import the data from Excel file into EShop use EShop Import Pro tool, all things that you need to do is preparing the Excel file as input data for importing.

To see all of supported import fields, you can click on Export Sample Excel button on the toolbar, the system will download the example excel file automatically.

By using EShop Import Pro tool, you can import all of data types (categories, manufacturers, products, images, options, attributes) with just one Excel file. The system will import these data types separately, then assign products to the corresponding categories, manufacturers, options, attributes, images properly.

Import Categories

If you have multiple levels of categories, then you must use Category child separator (Default is /) to separate parent and child categories. If you want to assign a product into multiple categories, then you must use Category separator (Default is ;) to separate between categories. This rule must be applied to all of category fields.

To import categories, the category_name field is required, other remain fields are optional. Following are supported fields to import categories:

FieldDescriptionData ExampleRequired
category_name Name of categories to import. Computer/Laptop/Sony;Hardware/CPU
category_image Images of categories. computer.jpg/laptop.jpg/sony.jpg;hardware.jpg/cpu.jpg
category_customergroups To assign categories to different customer groups. You should use name of customer groups here. Gold Member;VIP Member
products_per_page This must be an integer to specify number of products per page. Default is 15. 15/15/15;15/15
products_per_row This must be an integer to specify number of products per row. Default is 3. 3/3/3;3/3
category_alias Alias of categories. If they are empty, then alias will be generated based on category_name automatically.
category_desc Description of categories.
category_page_title Page title of categories.
category_page_heading Page heading of categories.
category_published Published categories or not. Value is 1 or 0.
category_hits Hits of categories.
category_meta_key Meta keywords of categories.
category_meta_desc Meta description of categories.

Import Manufacturers

To import manufacturers, the manufacturer_name field is required, other remain fields are optional. Following are supported fields to import manufacturers:

FieldDescriptionData ExampleRequired
manufacturer_name Name of manufacturer to import. Canon
manufacturer_email Email address of manufacturer.
manufacturer_url Website URL of manufacturer.
manufacturer_image Image of manufacturer. canon.jpg
manufacturer_customergroups To assign manfacturer to different customer groups. Gold Member;VIP Member
manufacturer_alias Alias of manufacturer. If alias is empty, then alias will be generated based on manufacturer_name.
manufacturer_desc Description of manufacturer.
manufacturer_page_title Page title of manufacturer.
manufacturer_page_heading Page heading of manufacturer.
manufacturer_published Published manufacturer or not. Value is 1 or 0.
manufacturer_hits Hits of manufacturer.

Import Products

The product is the heart of EShop so importing products is most important. Actually, importing products are related to all of importing other data (categories, manufacturers, options, attributes, images). When importing, the products are also assigned to corresponding categories, manufacturers, options, attributes and images.

To import products, you must have 2 required fields: product_sku and product_name, other remain fields are optional. Details as below:

FieldDescriptionData ExampleRequired
product_sku SKU of product to import. The system will based on SKU to add/update products. The SKU must be uniquie. CAS500
product_name Name of product to import. Canon S500
product_weight Weight of product. 0.5
product_weight_id ID of weight unit 1
product_length Length of product. 20.5
product_width Width of product 25.0
product_height Height of product 8.5
product_length_id ID of length unit 2
product_price price of product 399.99
product_call_for_price Set call for price or not. Value is 1 or 0. 1
product_taxclass_id ID of tax class that you want to assign to product.
product_quantity Quantity of product in the store. 1000
product_threshold Threshold value of product. 500
product_threshold_notify Notify when quantiy meet threshold or not. Value is 1 or 0. 1
product_stock_checkout Set stock checkout for product or not. Value is 1 or 0. 1
product_minimum_quantity Minimum quantity of product. 1
product_maximum_quantity Maximum quantity of product. 10
product_shipping Product require shipping or not. Value is 1 or 0. 1
product_shipping_cost Shipping cost of product. 15
product_image Image of product canon-s500.jpg
product_available_date Available date of product. 2016-12-20
product_featured Set product is featured or not. Value is 1 or 0. 1
product_customergroups To assign product to different customer groups Gold Member;VIP Member
product_stock_status_id ID of stock status 1
product_quote_mode Set quote mode for product or not. Value is 1 or 0. 0
product_alias Alias of product. If it is empty, then alias of product will be generated automatically based on product_name.
product_desc Description of product.
product_short_desc Short description of product.
product_page_title Page title of product.
product_page_heading Page heading of product.
tab1_title Title of Tab 1.
tab1_content Content of Tab 1.
tab2_title Title of Tab 2.
tab2_content Content of Tab 2.
tab3_title Title of Tab 3.
tab3_content Content of Tab 3.
tab4_title Title of Tab 4.
tab4_content Content of Tab 4.
tab5_title Title of Tab 5.
tab5_content Content of Tab 5.
product_published Published product or not. Value is 1 or 0. 1
product_hits Hits of product.
product_additional_images If you have more images for product, then use this field. Each image is separated by Image separator. canon-s500-1.jpg;canon-s500-2.jpg;canon-s500-3.jpg
product_meta_key Meta keywords of product.
product_meta_desc Meta description of product.
related_product_id ID of related products, seperated by Related product separator. 4;6;9;20

Import Options

You can import options with corresponding values and assign them to product. If you have multiple options and values, then you must use Option seperator (Default is ;) to separate between options and values. This rule must be applied to all of option fields.

To import options, option_type, option_name and option_value are required fields, other remain fields are optional.

FieldDescriptionData ExampleRequired
option_type Type of option. It may be Select or Checkbox or Radio. Select;Select;Checkbox;Checkbox;Checkbox
option_name Name of option. Size;Size;Color;Color;Color
option_value Values of options when they are assigned to a product. Small;Medium;Red;Blue;Green
option_desc Description of option.
option_image Image of each option value.
option_published Published option or not. Value is 1 or 0.
option_required Option is required or not. Value is 1 or 0.
option_value_published Published option value or not. Value is 1 or 0. 1;0;1;1;0
option_sku SizeS;SizeM;ColorR;ColorB;ColorG
option_quantity Quantity of each option value. 50;40;60;45;40
option_price Price of each option value. 2;3.5;6;4.5;8
option_price_sign Sign of price. Value is + or -. +;+;+;+;+
option_weight Weight of each option value. 0;0.2;1.5;1.2;1.6
option_weight_sign Sign of weight. Value is + or -. +;+;+;+;+

Import Attributes

You can import attribute groups, attributes and assign them to product. If you have multiple attribute groups and attributes, then you must use Attribute seperator (Default is ;) to separate between attribute groups and attributes. This rule must be applied to all of attribute fields.

To import attributes, attributegroup_name, attribute_name and attribute_value are required fields, other remain fields are optional.

FieldDescriptionData ExampleRequired
attributegroup_name Name of attribute groups. Operating System;Operating System;Technology
attribute_name Name of attributes. iOS;Window Phone;Wifi
attribute_value Values of attributes. 6.0;7.0;3.5
attributegroup_published Published attribute group or not. Value is 1 or 0. 1;1;1
attribute_published Published attribute or not. Value is 1 or 0. 1;1;1
attribute_value_published Published attribute value or not. Value is 1 or 0. 1;1;1

Process Import

After preparing Excel file, you should go to main screen of EShop Import Pro to choose the Excel file and enter the separator options, then click on Process Import button on the toolbar to process import and you are DONE!