
EShop allows you to create the discounts for your store easily.

Discounts List

Go to EShop -> Sales -> Discounts to access to discounts section of EShop.

Create New/Edit a discount

Click on the New button on the toolbar OR click on the discount value on the list to create new/edit a discount.

Discount Value Enter value of discount. It must be a positive number.
Discount Type The discount type can be a fixed amount off or a percentage off.
Customer Groups Select customer groups to apply the discount. If you dont' want to use customer groups, leave it empty.
Select Products Select products to apply the discount. Select All Products if you want to apply discount for all products.
Select Manufacturers Select manufacturers to apply the discount. Select All Manufacturers if you want to apply discount for all manufacturers.
Categories Select categories to apply the discount. Select All Categories if you want to apply discount for all categories.
Start Date The first day that the discount can be used. Leave empty if you don't want to limit start date.
End Date The last day the discount can be used. Leave empty if you don't want to limit end date.
Publish Published this discount or not.

Products Price after discounted

Products with discounted price looks like following when being viewing on the front-end side: