Group Member Account

When you perform a group registration, if User Registration Integration is enabled on your Events Booking installation, Events Booking will only allow creating user account for the billing person, not for group members. If you want to create separate user account for each group member, you can enable and use Events Booking - Group Member Account plugin.


This plugin only work for Group Registration. So if you collect members information in shopping cart or ticket types, there will be no user account created.


In Joomla, to create user account, we need to have following information :

  1. Username
  • You can create a custom field called username set Display In parameter to Group Member Form to allow entering username for each group member. If you do not create that field, the system will use email of the user as the account
  1. Name

You should have at least first_name field (or both first_name and last_name fields) collected for each group members. That data will be used to populate name of the user account.

  1. Email

Make sure email field is collected for each group member. Without email, there will be no user account created

4. Password

This is controlled by Password Data parameter in the plugin.

  • If you want, you can create a field called password to allow entering password for each group member. The Display In setting of the field, if created, should be set to Group Member Form (same as the username field). In this case, set Password Data parameter to Manually
  • If you don't want to enter password for each group member, set Password Data to one of the following values: Random (the system will generate random password for the account), Username (the system will use username as the password for the account), Email (the system will use email as the password for the account)

Username is already exist

If there is an existing user account with the username or email, the system won't create a new user account. It will assign the group member record to that existing account instead