
Membership Pro has modules use to display list of subscription plans, membership status in a module position on your site template. Find out how to use each of those modules in the section below

Membership Plans

This module displays list of subscription plans on a module position on your site. To use this module, please create an instance of Membership Plans module and publish it on a module position on your site template. The module has following parameters:

  • Layout: Choose the layout you want to use to display subscription plans. It can be Default Layout, Columns Layout and Pricing Table Layout.
  • Plan Ids: Enter Ids of the plans you want to display in the module (comma separate). If you leave it empty, it will display all published plans.
  • Recommended Plan ID: Enter ID of the plan which you want to be displayed as recommended in the module, only works for pricing table layout.
  • Menu Item ID: Enter ID of the default menu item will be used generate SEF link to the plans in this module in case there is no menu item could be detected for the plan. Something related to SEF router, leave it empty and the module will try to detect the best menu item it can be used automatically.

Membership Status

This module display membership status of a current logged in user. It will show what plan he signed up, when it will be expired and how many days left. To use this module, please create an instance of Membership Status module and publish it on a module position on your site template.

Membership Pro View

It is a complicated module, so please see documentation on a separate page