Modify Subscription Duration
Sometime, you might want to offer different subscription lenth options for the same subscription plan. For example, you create a 3 Months subscription plan but want to allow your subscribers to choose other options such as 6 Months, 9 Months.. then they subscribe for that plan. To do that, you can use Modify Subscription Duration feature of custom field which is supported from version 2.7.0
Go to Membership Pro => Custom Fields, create a new custom field with below important settings:
- Name : osm_subscription_option (of course, you can use any name you want)
- Title: Subscription Option (or any title you want)
- Values: 3 Months, 6 Months, 9 Months (each value in one line)
- Modify Subscription Duration: SPACE_CHARACTER, +3 months, +6 months (each option in one line)
- SPACE_CHARACTER is just a space character. Since the original subscription plan has subscription length set to 3 Months already, of subscribers choose 3 Months option, there will be no modification to subscription end date needed
- If users choose 6 Months option, we need to add extra 3 months to the original subscription (because the plan has 3 months membership already), thus the need to use +3 months instead of +6 months
- If users choose 9 Months option, we need to add extra 6 months to the original subscription (because the plan has 3 months membership already), thus the need to use +6 months instead of +9 months
Some notes if you use this feature/option:
- This should be a custom fee field. If subscribers choose a longer subscription option, they should have to be charged more money
You can use string such as +3 days, +5 weeks, +1 year, +2 years... in Modify Subscritpion Duration setting of the custom field