Customize Layouts
Sometime, you might want to customize layout of some pages in Membership Pro to meet your requirement. Some notes below should be helpful to you if you have to do that:
- If you want to add any css code to the extension, don't modify the css file directly. Please go to Membership Pro -> Configuration, look at Custom CSS tab and add the css code you want there. It will be saved to custom css file in the extension and won't be lost when you update.
- If you want to customize the layouts in the extension, please use Template Override so that it won't be lost when upgrade your site to newer version of the extension. Please see for detailed instruction:
- If you want to customize the plans list page, depend on the layout you are using (default, columms, pricing table), you will need to get a copy of one of the file (default_plans.php, columns_plans.php, pricingtable_plans.php) in folder components/com_osmembership/view/common, place it to PATH_TO_YOUR_SITE_TEMPLATE/html/com_osmembership/common folder, then do any customization you want in that file
- If you want to customize the plan detail page, take a copy of the file components/com_osmembership/view/plan/default.php, place it to PATH_TO_YOUR_SITE_TEMPLATE/html/com_osmembership/plan folder and do any customization from there.
- If you want to customize the subscription form page, take a copy of the file components/com_osmembership/view/register/default.php, place it to PATH_TO_YOUR_SITE_TEMPLATE/html/com_osmembership/register folder and do any customization from there.
- If you use pricing table layout to display subscription plans, you might want to mark one of the plan as Recommended. If you want to do that, edit the menu item you created to display the plans, look at Recommended Plan ID parameter, enter ID of that plan into that parmeter and it will be marked as Recommended