PayPal Standard Checkout


When you purchase the payment plugin, you will receive a zip file called Go to Membership Pro -> Payment Plugins to install it as any other payment plugin. See for installation instructions if needed.


  • Follow instructions at , get Client ID and Client Secret of your PayPal account
  • Go to Membership Pro -> Payment Plugins, click on os_paypalstc payment plugin to edit, enter necessary parameters there.
  • If you want to change the message displayed on payment screen, please go to Membership Pro -> Translation, find the language item OSM_PAYPAL_STC_PAYMENT_INSTRUCTIONS and change it.

Joomla 4 and Joomla 5 Note

If you are using Joomla 4.0+, it has a plugin called System - HTTP Headers . By default, that plugin will prevent the popup window to allow users to pay using their PayPal account. To prevent that issue, you will need to edit the plugin, change the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy parameter to same-origin-allow-popups and it will work well