Manual installation

Installing the EShop Fashion Pro template, EShop, T4 framework, and other extensions on your existing Joomla website.

From your back-end setting panel, go to: "System > Extensions > Upload Package File tab", browse the installation files to install them.

  1. T4 Framework plugin
  2. EShop Fashion Pro template
  3. EShop Shopping Cart extension

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By default, the T4 plugin will be auto-enabled after installation. You can check this by going to "System > Plugins" then find T4 Plugin.

Set EShop Fashion Pro as default template style

Joomla 3: Go to: "Extensions > Template Manager", set EShop Fashion Pro template style as your default template style.

Joomla 4: Go to: "System > Site Template Styles", set EShop Fashion Pro template style as your default template style.

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