Non-registered users or registered users can register to become Real Estate Agent/ Onwer/ Builder/ Landlord/ Broker ..etc in OS Property system
Menu parameter:
Company ID - You can select specific Company in your OS Property system for the layout. Thus, when user register to become agent, he (she) will be registered as agent of select Company.
Tip: You can turn on or off the captcha in agent registration form from Configuration > Tab Agents > Field Show captcha in agent registration form In addition, when user register to become agent, they can select the company that they are belong to. When non-registered Joomla users register to become agent, they must enter username and password. Those information will be used to create Joomla user. When registered Joomla users register to become agent, they only need to fill the above form.
Tip: If you integrate OS Property with OS Membership, when non-register user (or registered user) purchase subscription plans. They will become an agent after they complete the purchasing process.