[TOC] The Edocman developer team are proud to announce the release of Edocman 1.9.4. This is a fifth release for the 1.9.x series of Edocman with new improvement and addresses issues introduced in previous versions.
Whats new in Edocman 1.9.4
This module displays a a month view calendar to show your Edocman documents.
It's a month view calendar which shows a list of the documents created on each day when you mouseover them.
In previous versions, with each document, you just can setup specific Users who can access document at front-end side, those users are Owner of document. But it will be a little inconvenient when you want to assign various users to one documents, specially you have quite a lot documents.
From Edocman 1.9.4, you will able to setup Owner groups for document, by this way, beside selecting specific Joomla users as owner of documents, you can select specific Joomla groups as Owners of documents. So that, only users in assigned groups can access to documents at front-end side. Thus, instead selecting Users to assign as Owner of documents, you just need to combine those users to one Joomla group and assign that group as Owner of document.
To use this feature, you should turn on Configure option "Activate Owner Group" at Edocman Configuration page.
After that, when you add, edit document, you will able to select Owner Joomla groups.
From this version, we show Expired labels in documents management tool with all expired documents in your Edocman system.
In previous versions, you can only setup to Show/Hide Download and View buttons in Edocman Configuration, those configure options are applied to all documents of Edocman extension. But from this version, you are also override those configure options for each Category.
As you can see in above picture, there are 2 configure options in Category modification page:
In Edocman Configuration, we add new more configure option: Auto assign Uploader as Owner. If this configre option is Turned on, the document uploader (front-end side) will be assiend as owner of document, and only he(she) can access to the document at front-end side.
As you know, Edocman supports 2 layouts in document modification form at front-end side, they are Full and Simple. You can select the layout that will be used at front-end side.
Actually, with "Full" layout, there are many different opinions from customers, most of them want to add or remove fields in the form. And we don't have other solution except to modify that layout directly. To save time, we add new more configure options to allow you to show/hide fields in Document modification form. Of course, core fields like: Document title, File Upload, Category ..etc are always shown as default.
From now, you are able to use tag [DOCUMENT_TITLE] into subjects of all emails in Edocman system. That tag will be replaced by Document title before the email is sent.