
Documents Seller allows you to create coupon codes to give discount to your customers when they purchase your products.

Go to Documents Seller -> Coupons to access to Coupons Management screen.

Coupons Management

Add New Coupon

Press New button to create new coupon

  1. Code: The code for this new coupon.
  2. Discount: Enter the discount for this coupon. Discount can be set to a fixed amount (for example 10$) ro by percent (for example 10% of subscription fee).
  3. Type: Percent or Fixed Amount.
  4. Document: Choose the document this coupon code can be used. If no document is selected, the coupon code can be used to purchase any document and get discount,
  5. Times: Enter number of times this coupon code can be used. If you set it to 0, the coupon code can be used unlimited times. Add New Coupon