Jdonation Donors

This module is used to show donors in your Joom Donation system.
Campaign Ids ID of the campaigns you want to show donors from, comma seperated
Number Donors Number donors to be showed on the module. Default is 6
Display donor type Choose the type of donor for the module. We have 3 options: Top Donors, Lastest donors or Random donors. Integration No integration, Community Builder or Jom Social.
Display username for registered user If set to yes, the module will display username instead of fullname of donor in the module
Show honoree name If set to yes, module will show Honoree name of donation records
Display currency If set to yes, module will show currency of donation records
Display Donation Amount If set to yes, module will show donated amount of donation records
Display Campaign If set to yes, module will show campaign of donation records
Display Donor's address If set to yes, module will show address of donors
Display Donor's city If set to yes, module will show city of donors
Display Donor's state If set to yes, module will show state of donors
Display Donor's country If set to yes, module will show country of donors
Show Donor's comment If set to yes, module will show comment of donors