
Payment Form allows you to create coupon codes to give discount to your users when they make payment on your site.

To access to coupons management page, there are 3 different ways:

  1. Access to Components => Payment Form => Coupons
  2. Access to Payment Form Dashboard, then click on Coupons icon.
  3. On any pages in Payment Form, access to Coupons link in the sidebard

Coupons Management

Add New Coupon

Press New button to create new coupon

  1. Code: The code for this new coupon.
  2. Discount: Enter the discount for this coupon. Discount can be set to a fixed amount (for example 10$) ro by percent (for example 10% of subscription fee).
  3. Form: Choose the form(s) which this coupon code can be used. Choose All Forms if you want this coupon code can be used for any forms.
  4. Times: Enter number of times this coupon code can be used. If you leave it empty, the coupon code can be used unlimited times.
  5. Valid From: If you choose a date, the coupon code can only be used from the selected date.
  6. Valid To: If you chose a date, the coupon code can only be used before the selected date. After that date, the coupon code cannot be used anymore.

Add New Coupon